Sunday, April 5, 2009

Posting Your Resume? Wait!!


You’ve heard it said, “You only have one chance to make a first impression.” For the job seeker, that impression is your resume.

At the end of a job fair held in Greensboro, NC on February 25, 2009, an HR Director was interviewed on one of the local news stations. “The biggest problem applicants have,” he said, “is their resume.”

He went on to indicate how vitally important it is to make sure your resume is:

- worded properly,
- kept concise,
- typed in proper font size and style, and most important,
- matches your objective to the position you’re applying for.

This may mean a few resumes that are tailor made for the specific role you’re going for.

Start Now! Career Guide helps you create the strongest, most effective document that will shoot your resume to the top of the pile.

We’ll help you discover experiences and qualifications you may have overlooked… talents that will have hiring managers take notice. And we’ll show you how to make it look picture perfect.

The guide also contains every letter imaginable that’s needed for an effective search, from networking letters to the thank-you and acceptance letters.

Plus, there’s a full section devoted to sharpening your interviewing strategies and skills.

Visit our website:

View the samples on the site, and if you don't feel this guide provides what you need in your search, e-mail us at our web link or here on our blog and tell us why. Our goal is to help you get the job you’re seeking!

Start Now!


Friday, April 3, 2009

It's Lonely Out There

Even though you know you're among thousands (heck, millions nationwide) of job seekers, it's impossible not to feel isolated and alone.

I ran across a recent post. In it the author wrote, "In a world dominated by self-agrandized agitprop, people need to rely on their own perception and problem solving skills."

I'll have to look up some of those words, but the essence of what he or she said couldn't be more true. As my Mom used to tell me, "Only you are resposible your own direction in life."

Yes, life throws curveballs at us when we least expect them. But it's how we bounce back that matters. Grieve a little. Get a little angry if you must. When the dust settles, be calm, take matters into your own hands, think clearly, work out a strategy, and take action.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

One Bad Experience

On an AOL job search message board, I found a post from a reader named John. The article he posted to was titled, "Do you still need a cover letter?"

John's experiences seemed very telling as he wrote, "The country is fresh out of CEOs. A resume is sent to people that have a job, and an empty waste basket. They got ain't gettin' yours!"

What are your thoughts?