Friday, October 16, 2009

What is the Start Now! Career Guide?

Good question!

If you’re one of many who have found yourself looking for a job, you’ll agree…you are faced with perhaps one of the most difficult times of your life.

You’re looking to get from point A (being unemployed) to point B (landing a good job) in the shortest amount of time. You turn to the Internet because that’s where we go for virtually instant information. What the job seeker often finds, however, is frustration.

In part, it’s because finding the best places to post a resume isn’t going to help if the resume itself isn’t on target. If the resume isn’t right, then it isn’t being read. If it isn’t read, it isn’t being considered.

So let me address how can assist today’s job seeker:

1. It Provides Value. In its most basic form, Start Now! Career Guide helps you set the foundation in perfecting your own resume. The guide relieves the burden of weeding through repetitive information which is found on the Internet today. Our web site links to a product - not to a page of links to more web sites (which, in turn, often links to yet more web sites).

“Professional” resume writers are out there by the dozens and charge hefty fees to produce something for people they don’t even know. But the fact is, no one knows the you as well as you do. The Start Now! Career Guide helps you dig deep to rediscover talents and experiences (career and personal) which you may have overlooked.

2. We’re Not Reinventing the Wheel. Rather than a job search engine or resume service, Start Now! Career Guide is just that…a comprehensive guide which covers a wealth of information, from how to deal with the emotional side of unemployment, to networking, to resume construction, to letter writing, to interview strategies, and so much more.

3. We Don't Remix. Since there is so much information out on the Internet, we can’t claim that our guide is spectacularly unique. What we can claim, however, is that the Start Now! Career Guide provides essential information all job seekers need. Plus, since you’ll have the reference information always at your fingertips, it saves valuable time you’d be using going from one web site to another.

We’re really hoping you’ll evaluate Our goal is to deliver a product of value which provides vital information and essential tools to assist you in your job search.