Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bad Credit History Can Crash Your Job Search

A growing number of job hunters are finding that their financial past may harm their professional future.

According to Kristen McNamara of The Wall Street Journal, concerned about rising rates of employee theft and fiduciary issues, more employers are checking applicants' credit. Companies say the financial information can offer insight into a candidate's level of responsibility.

But people whose previously solid credit has been damaged by the economic downturn say they're victims of circumstances beyond their control.

Some 47% of employers say they check the credit history of applicants for certain positions, according to a late 2009 survey of more than 430 organizations conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management.

That's up from 42% of employers in 2006. Just 25% of employers in 1998 said they regularly or sometimes checked applicants' credit histories.

For the complete story, click here: