Sunday, May 30, 2010

Should I Apply to Online Job Postings?

If you’re one of the many who have submitted your rèsumé on-line yet get no results, you’re certainly not alone. There are thousands of you feeling the same way. An article posted on explains why.

According to the author, Michael McCarthy, some of the positions may be closed or "dummy postings." He goes on to say however, some companies are required, by law, to pursue every avenue available to hire a qualified candidate. This means they must internally post a job and post it for the public to view, before they can hire anyone for a specific position.

Consequently, a hiring manager may have to post a job for a required amount of time, even though they have already identified someone to hire for a newly created opening.

Many companies hire directly off the postings they post on-line, and many staffing companies do in fact have the positions that they post as well, so don't be completely discouraged by postings on-line. This info is useful to explain why you might not hear anything back from those countless submissions.

With Start Now! Career Guide, we don’t discourage you from posting on-line, since every available avenue is worth pursuing. What we do advise, however, is to take a little more time to investigate the unlimited potential of networking.

Start Now! Career Guide explains the best and most effective way to reach employers by utilizing the advertised as well as the hidden job market, and using network tools to your best advantage. It’s a little more work, but the effort produces positive results.